Thursday, February 17, 2011

so i guess before i get to carried away with this blogedy, with pictures of lovely things and yummy foods and life as of today, i want to start with a recap from the past years.
it has been a long time since i "blogged" (xanga, anyone?!) and i remember even while keeping that, i liked to look back on previous posts and see all that has happened, and how my life had changed so dramatically in just those few years. so i guess for now, while this thing gets off the ground and i actually start sharing posts, i will be speaking to my future self! so very exciting isn't it? to think about future selves...anyway.
i will start with, oh geeze, where do i start? has it really been almost five years? where have i been? what have i been doing?! oh yes, life.

to be continued...

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